Basement Renovation Services

Transform Your Basement into a Superior Space

Confirmed Contracting Corp. is a reputable company with 20 years of experience dedicated to helping you renovate your basement into a superior and elite space with the latest design and highest quality.

Do you want to boost your home value? Invest in your basement and transform it into the most functional and efficient space.

We offer comprehensive basement renovation services, starting from scratch and taking care of all aspects, including plumbing, painting, cabinet replacement, electrical repairs, insulation, additions, doors and windows, flooring, drywall, taping, and more.

If you're looking to demolish your entire basement and rebuild it, we are available 24/7 to provide you with a budget-friendly estimation.

Basement Renovations

Service Detail

Basement Renovations services include the below services:

frequently asked questions

Some of the common questions related to basement remodeling include:

How to prepare the basement for additions?

Since a basement is full of different stuff, first remove everything and then decide about additions. Remember that after constructing the additions, you need to paint or repair the surrounding walls. 

2. How to choose between 2D and 3D designs for basement remodeling?

A basement is a practical part of a property and if you prefer to design it, you can benefit from both 2D and 3D design. Cabinets and wardrobes and also drywall, are parts of the room that designers can apply 3D design.

3. What is the best type of flooring for basement renovation?

Tile and vinyl flooring are water resistant and do not need much maintenance and cleaning. So, they are good options for the basement and Confirmed Contracting Corp. can install them for you. 

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